The Whisper Trading Co.
Patrons from The Whisper Trading Co. and Salon in Marlow, Oklahoma generally describe their opinion of the business with one word – “awesome!” Blurring the line between chic boutique and quality salon, The Whisper Trading Co. and Salon has a lot to offer. After you get your hair just the way you want it, browse the cute selection of T-shirts or some of the fashionable jewelry. There is plenty of choices to be made as the shop offers items from brands like Umgee, See & Be Seen and many more. The Whisper Trading Co. and Salon has a great atmosphere and pleasant staff. We promise once you drop in, you will go back before long. Whether you are wanting to pick up a gift or keep up with the latest hair trends, The Whisper Trading Co. and Salon in Marlow, Oklahoma has you covered!