Peeps and Pacas: WhoDunnit Murder Mystery Wine Tasting
Bring your lawn chair and join the alpacas right in the middle of the pasture in Newcastle, Oklahoma.
Sip your favorite drink while you feed them their favored treats - they LOVE carrots! This event is open to those 18 and up and the ranch store will be open. Help "Larry DaLlama" (aka Sherlock Holmes) solve the murder mystery in the alpaca pasture. There will be prizes for the winning group. The costume contest categories are 1. Scariest 2. Cutest and 3. Most creative.
Included in your admission is two free wine tastings and alpaca interaction throughout the evening. Additional wine is sold by the glass or bottle by the winery. Snacks and other beverages are available for purchase. Look for the door prizes!
Prepare yourself, there will be a spitting contest! You may have heard that alpacas might spit at you. Well, that is a bit true. Alpacas do not typically spit at people, but they do spit at each other over CARROTS! So, if you happen to get in the line of fire during one of their food fights, beware. If you do get spit on, there is a prize for the person with the best spit experience!
See below for ticket information.