Eclipse Picnic at the Leg Lamp
October 14th we will be in the 77th percentile of viewing the annular solar eclipse and you are invited to come picnic in the park at the Chickasha Leg Lamp. There are plenty of wonderful restaurants that will be open within walking distance to enjoy or bring your favorite picnic items. Grab those blankets or lawn chairs to come enjoy the Celestial sky show and scenery around the growing park. The partial eclipse begins around 10:20am with its peak at 11:48am concluding at 1:23pm.
Will have 100 solar glasses and 100 handheld viewers available for purchase in which all proceeds will be donated to Chickasha Community Foundation towards the New Downtown Park. Here’s a link to make your own viewing box as well. How to View a Solar Eclipse: Make a Pinhole Projector. Remember to never look directly at the sun even more so during an eclipse.